Since 1987, Jean Seawright has provided trusted advice and consultation to thousands of small, medium, and large organizations, including private, publicly-traded, public, and non-profit businesses.
Jean received her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from the University of Florida in 1986. Since 1996, she has been the president of Seawright & Associates, a human resource consulting firm that specializes in providing consulting advice and solutions to clients nationwide. Jean has earned the prestigious CMC (Certified Management Consultant) designation, credentialed by the Institute of Management Consultants. The CMC designation is the preeminent mark of competency, knowledge, and professionalism in the management consulting industry. Less than 1 percent of all consultants have achieved this level of performance.
Jean is a frequent speaker at state and national trade associations, a columnist, and the author of numerous articles and publications in the field of human resources, including the popular book The Employment Genie®, an exclusive hiring, coaching, and termination system for businesses. Her consultation has focused on HR-related engagements such as daily HR consultation, regulatory compliance, management training and development, employee handbook development, compensation plan design, internal investigations (including harassment), hiring systems, job descriptions and job profiles, employee opinion surveys, organizational development, and others. She has represented clients before numerous state and federal regulatory agencies and is highly regarded in her ability to lead organizations through dynamic growth and development.
A detailed curriculum vitae, including an extensive list of
publications and seminars conducted by Jean, is available
by contacting the firm at (407) 645-2433 or info@seawright.com.
Why should you hire a CMC? Find out at http://www.imcusa.org/hireacmc.acgi |